
The base contains the minimum necessary, it is the heart of the vishnu. It consists of, typography, colors, buttons, forms, tables, lists.


Add @vishnucss/base dependency to your project:

yarn add @vishnucss/base
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />


Based on rem units. All rem units are converted to base 10, so 1rem is equal to 10px. By default, all headings, paragraphs, and code use system fonts, using the most modern one available on a user's operating system.


The Button, an essential part of any user experience. Buttons come in some basic styles: The <button>Content</button> element has default color, whereas .outline has a simple outline around, .flat is entirely clear and .rounded is rounded border radius. The buttons also have states: .success, .error,.warning and .info


The unordered list use ul element will be marked with a outline circles, the ordered list use ol element and your items will be marked with numbers, the description list use dl element and your items will not be marking, only spacings.


The Table element represents data in two dimensions or more. We encourage the use of proper formatting with <thead> and <tbody> to create a <table>. The code becomes cleaner without disturbing understanding.


All common form elements with basic, clean styles.

This is the base ... simple, isn't it? Let's go to the extensions